

Click on the [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right] ground around the character to move, and click on the adjacent [Player] [Building] [Monster] to complete the interaction or attack.
Please familiarize yourself with the game according to the [Guide] prompt in the lower left corner.
See other players, building targets, monsters, etc. on the map, click on the surrounding surface to complete the movement, click on players and building targets to view details and interact, click on monsters to start fighting directly, click on the enemy's head in the upper right corner to view monster details .
The building objectives of the game provide a large number of gameplay functions, please explore each building in the town carefully to learn more about the details.

Go out of the town map, you will encounter monsters in the wild, click on the monsters to fight, you can also turn on the hang-up function to automatically fight, and the automatic battle supports offline battles.
