

Get the inlay attribute on the element spar inlay equipment in the blacksmith shop. Different spar inlays have different effects on different parts. The element spar can be used in three in one to increase the level, and the magic attribute brought by the high level is stronger.
+9 spar inlay attribute:
inlayWeapon, Necklace obtained attributes:
fire spar 25% chance to add 50-100 fire damage
ice spar 25% chance to add 50-100 ice damage
wind spar 25% chance to add 50-100 wind damage
light spar 25% chance to add 50-100 lightning damage

inlayRing attributes:
fire spar 15% chance target absorbs 50HP when attacking
ice spar attack 15% chance for target to absorb 30MP when attacking
wind spar 2.5% chance for target to be poisoned for 3 rounds when attacking
light spar 15% chance for target to burn 30MP when attacking

Attributes obtained by inlay bracelet and Dangler:
fire spar Increase crit damage by 20%
ice spar increase hit by 5%
wind spar increase dodge by 2.5%
light spar increase rebound damage by 10%

Inlay armor attributes:
fire spar increase by 10 % fire, curse, maiming, blood-sucking immunity
ice spar increase 10% ice resistance, blinding, armor breaking, magic absorption immunity
wind spar increase wind resistance, magic ban, poisoning, binding immunity by 10%
light spar increase 10% electric resistance, stun, hunger, burning mana immunity
