
Inlay Jewelry

Advanced maps can drop jewelry, use advanced element spar, create gem, and forgematerial to empower jewelry, and jewelry can be inlayed to equipment like spar. In addition to adding the inlay attribute of spar to equipment, it can also add empowerment attributes. Jewelry empowerment The magic attribute can be changed through evolve gem
jewelry inlay must meet the requirements of the forgelevel of the equipment before it can be inlayed, respectively: dazzle, epic, star
dazzle level jewelry has 1 empowered magic attribute
epic level Jewelry has 2 empowered magic attributes
star-level jewelry has 3 empowered magic attributes
According to different parts of equipment, the magic attributes of inlay are divided into attack magic attributes, defense magic attributes, and jewelry Magic attribute
Weapon class:
Increase 1%-2.5% attack
Increase 8-20 attack
Increase 4%-10% crit damage
Increase 10-25PVP damage
Increase 4%—10% luck
Increase 2%—5% ignore rate
Increase 1%—2.5% hit rate
Increase 1%—2.5% PVP damage enhancement
15% chance to absorb target 30— 75 life
15% chance to absorb target 18-45 mana
15% chance to burn target 18-45 mana
Increase 50-125 mana

Increase 1%— 2.5% defense
Increase 8-20 defense
Increase 2%-5% rebound damage
Reduce PVP damage by 10-25
Reduce physical damage received by 4-10
Reduce element received Damage 2-5
Increase 1%-2.5% dodge rate
Damage reduction 1%-2.5% in PVP
10% chance to rebound 42-105 fire damage when attacked
10% when attacked Chance to rebound 42-105 ice damage
10% chance to rebound 42-105 lightning damage when attacked
10% chance to rebound 42-105 hurricane damage when attacked

Increase 1%—2.5% damage enhancement
Increase 1%—2.5% absorb damage
Increase 1%—2.5% combo rate
Increase 4—10 magic
Increase 4%—10% life
Increase life by 80-200
Recover 20-50 life every 5 rounds
Recover 20-50 mana every 5 rounds
Increase fire element damage by 2%-5%
Increase 2%-5 %Ice element damage
Increase 2%—5% Electric element damage
Increase 2%—5% Wind element damage
