
Infuse Equipment

[Soul gem]+[equipment chip]+[Divine blood] give the equipment Infuse the soul attribute, after the Infuse is successful, it will randomly enhance the effect of any talent
Multiple pieces of equipment can infuse the same soul attribute at the same time, the same soul attribute It will increase the soul Infuse level
The following is a detailed description of the soul Infuse, L means the soul Infuse level
Sun Talent
Warm Infused Soul Effects: When talent Warm triggers, restore an additional 5xL% of maxinum MP
Light redemption Infused Soul Effects: When attacked by more than 2 players, you have a 2xL% chance to exert talent Light redemption, CD 120 seconds
Magic array Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Magic array talent by L level
Wall of light Infused Soul Effects: Talent Wall of light increases an additional 2xL% elemental resistance
Tracker's Net Infused Soul Effects: Talent Justice net reduces enemy's toughness, avoid, antibody and insulation by 7xL%
Burning sun Infused Soul Effects: HP loss reduced by 10xL% when you exert talent Burning sun

Order Talent
Calm Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Calm talent by L level
Fearless Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Fearless talent by L level
Shield wall Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Shield wall talent by L level
Magic taboo Infused Soul Effects: When you are casted skill by enemy, you have a 3xL% chance to exert talent Magic taboo to him, CD 120 seconds
Chain of order Infused Soul Effects: When attacked by more than 2 players, you have a 3xL% chance to exert talent Chain of order, CD 120 seconds
Shield of order Infused Soul Effects: When you are attacked with HP lower than 35%, you have a 2xL% chance to exert talent Shield of order and remove all abnormal states, CD 180 seconds

Fight Talent
Tenacity Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Tenacity talent by L level
Courage Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Courage talent by L level
Stifle Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Stifle talent by L level
God killing blade Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered God killing blade talent by L level
Concussive arrow Infused Soul Effects: When moving in the PK mode, you have an 2xL% chance to exert talent Concussive arrow on enemy player in the 3x3 range whose HP is lower than 35%
Avatar Infused Soul Effects: When you are attacked with HP lower than 35%, you have a 2xL% chance to exert talent Avatar, CD 180 seconds

Life Talent
Consecration Infused Soul Effects: HP loss reduced by 10xL% when you exert talent Consecration
Freewind Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Freewind talent by L level
Guard Infused Soul Effects: Talent Guard duration increased by 3xL rounds
Full of vigour Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Full of vigour talent by L level
Blessed Hands Infused Soul Effects: Talent Blessed Hands duration increased by L rounds
Resurrection Infused Soul Effects: Talent Resurrection CD reduced by 20xL seconds

Storm Talent
Short circuit Infused Soul Effects: When talent Short circuit triggers, increase element damage by 5xL%
Charge overload Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Charge overload talent by L level
Storm whip Infused Soul Effects: When talent Storm whip triggers, reduce enemy elemental resistance by 5xL%
Dance of elements Infused Soul Effects: Talent Guard duration increased by 3 rounds
Storm shield Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Storm shield talent by L level
Thunderstorm Infused Soul Effects: Reduce enemy's light resistance by 5xL% for 5 rounds before exerting talent Thunderstorm

Wood Talent
Pet-Rage Infused Soul Effects: When you are attacked with HP lower than 35%, you have a 3xL% chance to exert talent Pet-Rage, CD 120 seconds

Hell Talent
Flametongue Infused Soul Effects: Talent Flametongue increases an additional 5xL% critical damage
Self ignition Infused Soul Effects: Talent Self ignition reduces enemy elemental resistance by 5xL%
Pyromaniac Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Pyromaniac talent by L level
Draw mana Infused Soul Effects: Talent Evil power reduces enemy's PVP immunity by an additional 3xL%
Demon skin Infused Soul Effects: Talent demon skin restores 5xL% HP when triggered
Devastating meteor Infused Soul Effects: Reduce enemy's fire resistance by 5xL% for 5 rounds before exerting talent Devastating meteor

Chaos Talent
Parry Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Parry talent by L level
Chaos edge Infused Soul Effects: When talent Chaos edge triggers, steal 5xL% of maxinum MP of enemy
Chaos armor Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Chaos armor talent by L level
Seize Infused Soul Effects: When attacking a stuck enemy, you have a 2xL% chance to exert talent Seize, CD 120 seconds
Chaos field Infused Soul Effects: When talent Chaos field triggers, gain an additional 2xL% PVP damage for 5 rounds
Power of chaos Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Power of chaos talent by L level

Kill Talent
Mangle Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Mangle talent by L level
Pounding Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Pounding talent by L level
Carnage Infused Soul Effects: Talent carnage increases PVP damage by additional L% when triggered
double-edged sword Infused Soul Effects: The damage caused by exerting talent Double-edged sword reduced by 15xL%
Blood boil Infused Soul Effects: When attacked by more than 2 players, you have a 2xL% chance to trigger talent Blood boil for 5 rounds
Kill banquet Infused Soul Effects: When attacking players with HP less than 35%, you have a L% chance to exert talent Kill banquet, CD 180 seconds

Revenge Talent
Blade of revenge Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Blade of revenge talent by L level
Stealth Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Stealth talent by L level
Night vision Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Night vision talent by L level
Energy blast Infused Soul Effects: When you are casted skill by enemy, you have a L% chance to exert talent Energy blast to him, CD 120 seconds
Backstab Infused Soul Effects: Backstab's physical damage boost lasts L rounds longer
Goddess of vengeance Infused Soul Effects: When you are attacked with HP lower than 35%, you have a 2xL% chance to exert talent Goddess of vengeance, CD 180 seconds

Shadow Talent
Shadow strike Infused Soul Effects: Talent shadow strike reduce enemy's all resistance by 5xL% for 5 rounds when triggered
Deep freeze Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Deep freeze talent by L level
Robe of shadow Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Robe of shadow talent by L level
Evil spirit Infused Soul Effects: Talent Evil spirit duration increased by L rounds
Siphon magic Infused Soul Effects: Reduce target resistance by 5xL% for 5 rounds when exerting talent Siphon magic.
Summon shadow Infused Soul Effects: Talent Summon Shadow's monster duration increased by 10xL second

Myth Talent
Piercing Infused Soul Effects: Increase mastered Piercing talent by L level
Mystic magic Infused Soul Effects: Talent Mystic magic increases an additional 2xL% element damage
Ice coffin Infused Soul Effects: When attacking a frozen enemy, you have a 2xL% chance to exert talent Ice coffin, CD 60 seconds
Blizzard Infused Soul Effects: Reduce enemy's ice resistance by 5xL% for 5 rounds before exerting talent Blizzard
Back in time Infused Soul Effects: Increase element damage by 3xL for 5 rounds when exerting talent Back in time
Death gaze Infused Soul Effects: When attacking a stunned enemy, you have a 3xL% chance to exert talent Death gaze, CD 180 seconds
