
Star Gem

Use +7element spar + dazzle above equipment 1 piece + [Devil blood] X50 + star ore = chance to synthesize random star glow gem, star glow gem retains spar's armor attribute and increases star glow attribute, failure disappears all materials, each star gem appears The probability is different, the higher the equipment forgelevel, the higher the chance of rare Star gem appearing
Star gem attribute
Increase HP by 1[10]%
Restore mana of 1[25] ]% when dodging
1[15]% chance to restore 25% of Max HP per round when HP is lower than 25%

star[Inviolable] :
Increase defense by 1[5] %;
Increase the reflex rate by 1[5]%;
You have 1[25]% chance to bounce back all damage when you fight back

star[Famine] :
Increase MP by 1[10]%
1[10]% chance to forbid enemy resupply per hit
Hungry effect duration increased by 1 round

star[seal] :
1[10 ]% chance to immobilize the target
1[10]% chance that the target cannot release the skill
Duration of spell forbidden effect increased by 1 round

star[Purify] :
Increase carom attack rate by 1[5]%
1[10]% chance to reduce the target's magic by 10% for 5 rounds when attacking
1[10]% chance to clear target random gain BUFF when attacking

star[Deadly] :
Increase damage by 1[5]%
Soul strike damage increased by 1[25]%
Armor breaking effect duration increased by 1 round

star[Immortal] :
element damage reduction by 1[10]
1[10]% chance per hit to steal life by 50% of the damage you caused
1[25]% chance to clear a negative buffer every 5 rounds

star[Prophet] :
Increase magic by 1[20]
1[10]% chance per hit to steal mana by 50% of the damage you caused
>1[10]% chance per hit to reduce the enemy's all resistance by 10 lasts 5 rounds

Increase hit rate by 1[10]%
1[10]% chance to reduce target's attack by 5%
Maimed effect duration increased by 1 round
