

greedy glove
Equip Level:7
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Glove
Monster killing gold increased by [15]%
This glove comes from the thief Dorian. He is skilled but greedy and arrogant. He can't help taking the last gold coin every time until he is found cutting off his hands

blood glove
Equip Level:22
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Glove
15% chance to drain [25] life per hit
Increase damage by [5] points
The secret weapon of the notorious robber Ralph looks like ordinary gloves, but the hidden hook and stab can give a fatal blow

savage gloves
Equip Level:42
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Glove
Increase maximum HP by [100]
Restores [5]% of Max HP when killing
Leather gloves from savage tribe are rough and durable. They are very practical in the north

castiron gloves
Equip Level:62
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Glove
Increase hit rate by [5]%
Increase MP by [50] points
The cast iron produced in the desert is well-known, and the cast iron gloves provides powerful combat effectiveness for tribal soldiers

elven wrister
Equip Level:82
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Glove
Increase ice resistance by [5]%, blindness, armor breaking and mana sucking exemption
Reduce physical damage by [10]
The magic wrister worn by the elf soldiers is amazing for its exquisite workmanship.

frost glove
Equip Level:7
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Glove
25% chance to add [15]~[30] ice damage per hit
This leather glove is so cold that it can produce a layer of frost in any weather

burning glove
Equip Level:22
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Glove
25% chance to add [25]~[50] fire damage per hit
Increase [5]% fire resistance, curse, cripple and blood sucking exemption
Fire red gloves made of special materials, with flames constantly emerging from the surface

scholar gloves
Equip Level:42
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Glove
Increase ice resistance by [5]%, blindness, armor breaking and mana sucking exemption
Restore [10] MP every 5 rounds
The gloves worn by mysterious magic apprentices during research are warm and do not affect writing

curse gloves
Equip Level:62
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Glove
Reduce [10] Elemental Damage Taken
Reduce poisoning & curse effects by [7]%
The mysterious gloves worn by desert tribe curse mages to participate in sacrifice has mysterious magic

golden wrister
Equip Level:82
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Glove
Increase light resistance by [5]% , stun, hunger and mana burn exemption
[7]% chance to avoid carom attack and reflex
Gold was made into golden wisps by the magician with magic, and woven by elven to wrister,it is symbol of the top magician.
