

saucy shoe
Equip Level:6
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Shoe
Increase the reflex rate of [3]%
Theon lost his boots when he challenged the ogre after drinking wine. People saw theon climbing out of the cave.

sand shoe
Equip Level:21
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Shoe
25% chance to add [25]~[50] wind damage per hit
Increases wind resistance by [5]%, spell prohibition, poisoning and binding exemption
Once legendary merchants crossed the Tatar desert and died in an ambush by robbers

suede boot
Equip Level:41
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Shoe
10% chance to bounce [35] ice damage
Increase HP by [5]%
The suede boots made of thick ice giant elephant skin are very warm, which also leads to the continuous poaching of ice elephants

castiron boot
Equip Level:61
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Shoe
Increases wind resistance by [10]%, spell prohibition, poisoning and binding exemption
[7]% chance to avoid carom attack and reflex
The cast iron produced in the desert is well-known, and the cast iron boots provides powerful combat effectiveness for tribal soldiers

elven boot
Equip Level:81
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Shoe
Increase ice resistance by [5]%, blindness, armor breaking and mana sucking exemption
Reduce [10] Elemental Damage Taken
The magic boot worn by the elf soldiers is amazing for its exquisite workmanship.

elf shoe
Equip Level:6
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Shoe
Increase [3] magic
During the last demon Legion invasion, Descartes used a magical shoes made of booty

silk shoe
Equip Level:21
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Shoe
10% chance to bounce [35] fire damage
Increase maximum HP by [30]
Shoes made of exotic mysterious silk can provide excellent defense effect

ice skate shoe
Equip Level:41
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Shoe
Increase dodge by [5]%
Increase ice resistance by [5]%, blindness, armor breaking and mana sucking exemption
This pair of unique shoes perfectly combines the characteristics of skates and leather boots, and requires a high sense of balance for the wearer

curse shoe
Equip Level:61
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Shoe
Increases wind resistance by [10]%, spell prohibition, poisoning and binding exemption
Increase dodge by [5]%
The mysterious shoes worn by desert tribe curse mages to participate in sacrifice has mysterious magic

golden boot
Equip Level:81
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Shoe
Increases wind resistance by [5]%, spell prohibition, poisoning and binding exemption
Increase dodge by [5]%
Gold was made into golden wisps by the magician with magic, and woven by elven to boot,it is symbol of the top magician.
