
Left Weapon

black tongue
Equip Level:20
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Left Weapon
[5]% chance to break armor per hit
(rare Activate)[6]% chance to absorb magic x2 mana from enemy per hit.
This weapon is like a black devil tongue, which makes people look disgusting

wail knife
Equip Level:35
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Left Weapon
[3.5]% chance to poison enemy for 3 rounds per hit
[3.5]% chance to curse aim enemy leak
(dazzle Activate)Increase [7] magic
This dagger is contaminated with poison and curse. The stabbed person will suffer and die slowly in torture

ray knife
Equip Level:40
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Left Weapon
Increase hit rate by [10]%
[7]% chance to bind enemy per hit
(epic Activate)[8]% chance to summon lighting per hit,enemy take magic x3 light damage and be stuned.
This dagger is made of special materials, waving as fast as lightning

bone cut blade
Equip Level:55
Equip Profession:Fighter|Assassin
Equip Position:Left Weapon
[10]% chance to shoot current to damage all enemies per hit
Increase[5]% chance to ignore some defense
[5]% chance to poison enemy for 3 rounds per hit
(star Activate)[5]% chance per hit to break enemy's bone for 5 rounds,enemy halve dodge & speed,lost 6% life when moving
This weapon is not made in the north. It is estimated that it is a relic left after the failure of an exotic adventurer

carve knife
Equip Level:75
Equip Profession:Fighter
Equip Position:Left Weapon
25% chance to add [100]~[200] wind damage per hit
[10]% chance to break armor per hit
Increases critical damage by [20]%
(heaven Activate)Increase the crosslop skill level by [2]
The dagger once belonged to Tamil. To him, the enemy in front of him was like a piece of mud to be carved

betrayer blade
Equip Level:75
Equip Profession:Assassin
Equip Position:Left Weapon
25% chance to add [100]~[200] lightning damage per hit
Increase[7]% defense will be ignored
[10]% chance to maim the enemy per hit
(heaven Activate)Increase all passive skills level by [1]
The law enforcers of the shadow Association cleaned up the dagger used by the traitor, and the traitor died with thousands of knives

stately book
Equip Level:20
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Left Weapon
Increase HP by [2.5]%
(rare Activate) Restore [6] MP every 5 rounds
A code that celebrates the majesty of heaven

precept song
Equip Level:35
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Left Weapon
25% chance to add [25]~[50] fire damage per hit
Increase [7] magic
(dazzle Activate)Increase damage by [3.5]%
A book about the commandments of the mage Association. Observe a commandment, gain magic power

dee book
Equip Level:40
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Left Weapon
Increase dodge by [10]%
Increase damage absorption by [5]%
(epic Activate)Increase all attack skills level by [1]
Diyi's magic teaching materials were taken to the north by the fugitives

ancient book
Equip Level:55
Equip Profession:Sorcerer|Priest
Equip Position:Left Weapon
Increase [5] magic
[70]% chance to ignite enemy per hit,enemy is hurted and hungry for 5 rounds.
10% chance to bounce [10] fire damage
(star Activate)Increase attack power by [5]%
The magic book left by the ancestors' tribes, who are of demigod descent, have extraordinary magic power

immortal book
Equip Level:75
Equip Profession:Sorcerer
Equip Position:Left Weapon
25% chance to add [100]~[200] wind damage per hit
Increase dodge by [5]%
Restores [5]% of Max HP when killing
(heaven Activate)[5]% chance per hit to reduce the enemy's all resistance by 10
Mysterious mages have spent their whole life studying the immortal forbidden magic, and they can't understand life and death until death

bless cup
Equip Level:75
Equip Profession:Priest
Equip Position:Left Weapon
25% chance to add [100]~[200] fire damage per hit
Increase critical hit rate by [5]%
Increase HP by [5]%
(heaven Activate)[3]% chance to remove a gain state from enemy per hit
A holy grail blessed by the gods is given to those high-ranking priests who selflessly contribute to the protection of mankind
