

dragon scales shield
Equip Level:75
Equip Profession:Fighter|Priest
Equip Position:Left Weapon
Increase HP by [10]%
10% chance to bounce [350] fire damage
Increase all element resistance and corresponding exemption by [10]%
(heaven Activate) You have [3]% chance to bounce back all damage when you fight back
The red dragon entrenched in the desert be blade master - modi·Ann was defeated, the craftsman used the shield made of red dragon scales

embrace of forest
Equip Level:95
Equip Profession:Fighter|Priest
Equip Position:Left Weapon
Reduce [50] Elemental Damage Taken
10% chance to bounce [350] wind damage
[10]% of your damage is added to reflex damage
(divine Activate) Physical damage reduction [5]%
This shield once belonged to Moses Oni, the king of the underground black elves. Its protection made him invincible forever.
