
Forge Equipment

Consume materialforgeequipment in the blacksmith shop to obtain additional magic attributes, equipment can be forge up to 8 times, consume specified forgematerial, and rare forgematerial can be obtained in advanced maps.
forgematerial can be three in one to increase the level, bringing higher strength magic attributes during forge, the sum of equipment forge attributes determines the forgelevel of equipment, forgelevel brings additional attribute enhancement, forgelevel is divided into【fine】【shine 】【rare】【dazzle】【epic】【star】【heaven】【legend】【divine】【chaos】【doom】【myth】
Second, you can choose a piece of equipment and three designated materials in the blacksmith shop Perform forge to obtain magic attributes. Each piece of equipment can be forged 8 times, and the materials required are as follows
First time: leather+wood+iron
Second time: wood+iron+skull
Third time: iron +skull+sulfur
The fourth time: skull+sulfur+silver
The fifth time: sulfur+silver+diamond
The sixth time: silver+diamond+gold
The seventh time: diamond+gold +obsidian
The eighth time: gold+obsidian+stardust
equipment forge, you can get three magic attributes at random, the levels of the three magic attributes are the level of the three materials respectively + 1, that is, level 0 material gets level 1 Magic attribute, +1material to get level 2 magic attribute, +2material to get level 3 magic attribute...+9material to get level 10 magic attribute, for example, we choose steel sword for the first forge, choose 0 level leather, +2wood , +9iron, the steel sword will randomly obtain three magic attributes. The levels of the three magic attributes are level 1 corresponding to level 0 leather, level 3 corresponding to +2wood, and level 10 corresponding to +9iron, so choose a high-level material to Obtain more powerful magic attributes. At the same time, if the material level is too low, it will cause the forge to fail this time, and a material will be lost randomly without making any changes to the equipment.
It should be noted that, starting from the third forge, there will be a certain random range of conversion from material level to magic attribute level:
Third and fourth times: when each material level is converted to magic level, at most 1 point will be lost, For example, +7material, you can get level 8 magic attribute normally, but there is a chance to lose 1 point to become level 7 magic attribute;
5th and 6th times: when each materiallevel is converted into magic level, you can lose up to 2 points, +7material can Obtain magic attributes of level 6~8;
7th and 8th times: when each materiallevel is converted into magic attributes, at most 3 points will be lost, +7material can obtain magic attributes of level 5~8
equipment forge many times , the same random magic attribute level will be superimposed, and at the same time the sum of the current forge magic attribute level of the equipment determines the forge quality of the current equipment (the sum of this level can be seen in the brackets after the forge attribute quality), respectively :
fine: 1~20, shine: 21~40, rare: 41~60, dazzle: 61~80, epic: 81~100, star: 101~120, heaven: 121~140, legend: 141~ 160, divine: 161~180, chaos: 181~200, doom: 201~220, myth: 221~240
The quality of the forge represents an approximate strength value of the equipment, and as the strength of the forge increases, the equipment will gain additional The improvement of the basic attributes; the forge quality represents an approximate strength value of the equipment, and with the increase of the forge strength, the equipment will get an additional improvement of the basic attributes
