
Pet Skill

Draw bloodAbsorb the enemy's life and restore yourself.:

VenomSpray poison on the enemy to make him poisoned continuously and lose life.:

Fire ballLaunch a fireball to burn the enemy.:

HowlMake a terrible wolf howl and make the enemy lose combat effectiveness.:

Pecking eyesPet blinded the enemy's eyes and made him blind.:

Ice boltLaunch ice bolt to the enemy.:

Wind ShearSummon the whirlwind to tear the enemy.:

Cone of ColdSummon ice cone to enemy, damage the target and freeze them. They can't move.:

Lightning BoltSummon lightning to hurt the enemy.:

Mana gushingThe beast is full of energy.:

ProvokeProvoke the enemy and make him attack himself and unable to move.:

TrampleTrample on the ground to stun the enemy for 1 round, and the target damage and magic damage are reduced by 3 rounds.:

SilentGet the natural ascension of energy in silence.:

Hard shellThe body is covered with a hard shell.:

Ice ShieldThe pet covers itself and its master with an ice shield to absorb physical damage:

FlyFlying in the air to get better dodge ability.:

Iron skinThe skin is as hard as steel and immune to some physical damage.:

strongA strong body has higher vitality.:

Mirror surfaceChance to bounce all damage.:

PalsyInject poison into the enemy, prohibit casting spells and lose magic.:

RampageIncrease the combo rate of pet and master.:

Critical hitDeal a fatal blow to the target.:

RigidityThe hard surface gives the attacker a chance to stun and get hurt.:

Healing TouchThe beast uses its regeneration ability to restore the health of itself and its master.:

Draw manaAbsorb the enemy's mana and restore yourself.:

Stone skinThe body is covered with rocky skin, reduce element damage.:

Eagle EyeIncreasing pet the ignore rate and ignore depth.:

TearingChance to tear the wound of the target and cause continuous damage.:

PummelChance to hit the enemy stun.:

BlizzardSummon Blizzard to do tons of damage to the enemy.:

icicleSummon icicles to cause ice damage and soul damage to the target.:

Magical spiritThe magical spirit inherited by blood can increase the magic of itself and its master.:

Wind walkingMove as fast as the wind. Improve your combo rate and hit rate by 5 rounds.:

Mana gushingThe beast is full of energy.:

Flame ShieldThe pet covers itself and its master with a fire shield, which increases the damage and fire damage rebound, It lasts for 30 seconds:

rescuePet removes the negative state for itself and its master, restores life.:

twineSummon vines to entangle the enemy for 3 rounds, enemy will take damage per round.:

rageEnraged for 5 rounds, increasing critical hit, critical damage and physical damage.:

crushCrush the target with huge strength to cause damage and fracture and reduce defence by 3 rounds.:
