
Pet Lineage

Only Dire wolf and above pets can identify the power of lineage. Every 5 levels can identify a lineage. The same lineage attribute will be superimposed. The maximum stacking of lineage power is 5 times. A pet can identify the power of lineage up to 20 times
same The Pet of the race is transferred in lineage in Stone City. After the lineage is transferred, the Pet with the original lineage will disappear, and inheriting the lineage will get the same lineage attribute as the original lineage
Introduction to the lineage attribute:
Increase 1% attack
Increase 1 %Defense
Increase Life by 1%
Increase 5 Magicka
Increase Combo Rate by 2%
Increase Crit Rate by 2%
Increase Ignore Rate by 2%
Increase Rebound Rate by 2%
br>Increase counterattack damage by 5%
Increase physical damage by 3%
Increase physical damage received by 3%
Increase all element damage by 3%
Increase damage amplification by 2%
Increase damage reduction by 2%
Increase all element resistance and immunity by 1%
Increase hit rate by 2.5%
Increase element chance of immunity by 3.5%
Increase critical strike rate and ignore rate of immunity by 3.5%
Increase immunity by 3.5% Hit rate, rebound rate
Reduce the rate of poisoning and curse by 3.5%
