
Shadow Talent

Elementary talent :

Shadow strike
Passive talent

Increase the combo rate by 5%, have a 10% chance to steal 25 magic per hit, lasting for 5 rounds.

Elementary talent :

Deep freeze
Passive talent

Faith in the gods allows you to master the power of ice element, increase magic by 25 & ice enhance by 25%.

Elementary talent :

Robe of shadow
Passive talent

Increased Max HP by 5%, toxic damage decreased by 10%, and immune element damage increased by 25 points

Middle talent :

Evil spirit
Active talent

You are disturbed by the evil spirit bat. Take [magic x 5] damage per round and add 10 seconds CD to a random skill

Middle talent :

Siphon magic
Active talent

Absorb the enemy's 150 magic for 10 rounds. If the enemy's magic is reduced to 0, it will be stun for 2 rounds.

Advanced talent :

Summon shadow
Active talent

Summon powerful shadow demons last 90 seconds, it automatically attacks the summoner's enemies, it gains the role's attributes of magic damge, critical attack, ignore attack, resistance, damage deepening and damage immune.
