
Myth Talent

Elementary talent :

Passive talent

$1% chance to add damage of 5 times your intelligence difference with enemy per hit,all resistance of the enemy is reduced by 10% for 5 rounds.

Elementary talent :

Mystic magic
Passive talent

Increase magic by 25. Gain energy by 25% each time you use skills.

Elementary talent :

Ice coffin
Active talent

The enemy is frozen in ice coffin for 5 rounds. fail in the ice resistance exemption each round, the enemy will can't move & attack, dodge is reduced by 50%, take [magic x3] ice damage, successful exemption will release the enemy.

Middle talent :

Active talent

Summon Blizzard to attack enemies in 5x5 range, causing damage x 75% + [magic x 5] ice damage, enemy reduces resistance [20] and is frozen.

Middle talent :

Back in time
Active talent

Turn back the time, clear the last skill CD, and increase the magic by 100 in 5 rounds

Advanced talent :

Death gaze
Active talent
Attribute requirements:Wisdom>=300
The enemy becomes a stone for 5 round ,loss [magic x5] HP every round.Enemy's gain effects are removed and can't move.
