
Fight Talent

Elementary talent :

Passive talent

The belief in the gods is extremely firm. Your max HP is increased by 500,you have 5% chance to avoid critical ,ignore, counterattack and combo.

Elementary talent :

Passive talent

Faith in the gods makes you brave, increases your damage by 25, gain 1 energy when critical hit

Elementary talent :

Passive talent

Add 20% extra damage to the enemy whose HP is less than 20%

Middle talent :

God killing blade
Passive talent

Physical damage increased by 5%, PVP damage increased by 5%

Middle talent :

Concussive arrow
Active talent

Shoot an concussive arrow, fly up to 3 squares, deal 350 + [50 x distance]% damage to the first enemy, enemy is stuned for 1 + [distance] rounds

Advanced talent :

Active talent

Gain the power of God for 10 rounds, stun & knock enemies back, 15% chance to summon lightning per hit, cause [magic x 5] light damage and stun enemy. Damage and defense are increased by 15%, all resistance are increased by 25% < male valid>
