
Hell Talent

Elementary talent :

Passive talent

Increase critical hit rate by 5% and 25% chance to add 50 to 100 fire damage

Elementary talent :

Self ignition
Active talent

Enemy is ignited for 10 rounds, the enemy cannot use medicines, loses 100 mana per round. The enemy take [magic x 5] fire damage when moving.

Elementary talent :

Passive talent

Faith in the gods allows you to master the power of fire element, increase magic by 25 and fire enhance by 25%

Middle talent :

Draw mana
Active talent

Evil power dominates the target ,you will steel 25% of the target's damage for 7 rounds.

Middle talent :

Demon skin
Passive talent

When HP is lower than 25%, each round has 25% chance to remove all abnormal states. It can be triggered once every 300 seconds and costs 2 energy.

Advanced talent :

Devastating meteor
Active talent
Attribute requirements:Wisdom>=300
Summon meteors to attack enemies in 5x5 range.Enemies take attack x 100% + [magic x 10] fire damage and be ignited for 5 rounds,reduce their toughness, avoidance, insulation & antibody by 35%,take [magic x 5] fire damage per round.
