
Kill Talent

Elementary talent :

Passive talent

Increase PVP damage by 50 , 5% chance to cause bleeding per hit,enemy take continuous damage.

Elementary talent :

Passive talent

5% chance to stun enemy per hit, add (your strength - enemy strength) x 5 damage

Elementary talent :

Passive talent

Increase PVP damage by 5%. Gain 5 energy and increase PVP damage by 5% for 10 rounds when killing players.

Middle talent :

double-edged sword
Active talent

Increase physical damage by 25% within 10 rounds, your attack also causes 15% damage to yourself.

Middle talent :

Blood boil
Passive talent

Physical damage increased by 25% and PvP injury decreases by 25% when life is less than 35%

Advanced talent :

Kill banquet
Active talent

The God of killing vent his anger, deal 400% damage to the enemy,add soul damage by 50% of the enemy's HP lost.
