
Magic Effect

Restore life: Restore HP every 5 rounds
Restore mana: Restore MP every 5 rounds
Increase injury: Physical damage increased by %
Decrease injury: Physical damage reduction %
Fire enhance: Fire element skill damage increased by %
Light enhance: Light element skill damage increased by %
Ice enhance: Ice elemental skill damage increased by %
Wind enhance: Skill damage of wind element increased by %
Carom: % chance to attack twice per round
Absorb: % of damage taken is absorbed
Stone skin: Reduce Elemental Damage Taken
Iron skin: Reduces physical damage taken by
Insulation: % chance to avoid extra element attack
Toughness: % chance to resolve critical hits and ignore attack
Avoidance: % chance to avoid carom attack and reflex
Antibody: Reduce poisoning & curse effects by %
Skill master: Increase all skills by
Studious: Monster killing experience increased by %
Greedy: Monster killing gold increased by %
Magic edge: % magic power added to attack power
Evil: Damage increases by when the target is a player
Shelter: damage reduction by when the target is a player
Hate: Damage increases by % when the target is a player
Justice: damage reduction by % when the target is a player
Inspiration: Restore mana of % when dodging
Inviolable: You have % chance to bounce back all damage when you fight back
Soul penetration: Soul attack damage increased by %
overbear:Per round decrease enemy % pvp injury immune for rounds
dominate:Per round decrease enemy % resistance, toughness, avoid, insulation and antibody by rounds
vanish:% chance to ignore immune and absorption when attacking
